Wether you’re expecting for the first time or have a beautiful little team already, do you ever really feel super prepared for your new arrival? This hospital bag checklist for mums to be will help you to feel prepared and organised before your baby comes to this world.
I had my first born son – Adam 10 years ago. I had the perfect birthing plan, a calming natural water birth with no pain relief, little did I know that I would end up having an emergency c-section with a lot of pain relief.
My second son – Leo who is 6 was born via an elective c-section, after wanting a VBAC throughout this pregnancy, at 36 weeks I really felt that this wasn’t the right choice for me due to fear from my first. I found this birth such a calming and smooth experience.
The truth is nobody ever tells you the real highs and lows of birth, you have to experience it to truly understand, it is your own personal story that no one can re write.
The one thing you should always be reminded of is that no matter what your birth plan is or how it turns out, you are a super hero!
I have a passion for capturing the amazing miracle of a mother carrying her baby during my maternity shoots. I look in awe every time, thinking how wonderful our bodies are as women carrying such a delicate new life.
So here’s hospital bag checklist to help you feel prepared and organised
Bag number 1 – Mums bag
– Birthing plan & maternity notes
– Dark nightdresses/t-shirts for labour
– Slide on slippers/flip flops
– Socks
– iPad/tablets with charger for distractions
– Pillow & blanket for comfort
– 1x large dark towel for a shower (2 for c section so you can have a fresh towel in the morning)
– 1x small dark hand towel
– 2x clean nightdresses/pjs for afterbirth
(Always pack for an extra overnight stay just incase)
– Small bag of toiletries for a shower (shower gel, toothpaste & brush, deodorant, body cream, lip balm, hairbrush & hair bands)
– Hand sanitiser
– Breast pads
– Maternity pads
– Nursing bras if you are planning to breastfeed
– Comfy sports bra for non breast feeding
– Large comfortable dark pants (ones that would come up to your belly button if you have a planned section so it doesn’t rub your wound)
– Coming home outfit (depending on the weather pack something easy to put on)
Bag number 2 – Baby bag
– 4x baby grows
– 4x vests
– 2x socks
– 2x hats
– Coming home outfit
– Blanket
– Car seat (you will not be able to leave without one)
– Nappies (you go through as many as 12 in 24 hours)
– Cotton wool balls
– Muslin towels
– 4x Bibs
– If you aren’t planning on breastfeeding take first infant milk in pre made bottles (they do not drink much of each bottle so I would take 2x packs of 6 to get through 2 days, and can be purchased in most supermarkets)
Bag 3 – Birthing Partner
– Spare clean clothes
– Phone/camera
– Snacks (for you both)
– Favourite drinks (for you both)
– Spare change or bank card for parking
– Pillow to get comfy (those chairs next to the bed on the maternity ward aren’t the comfiest)